Friday, December 10, 2010

The Jewish 'privilege'

Take a read: 

Thesis on Jewish 'privilege' rebuked, sparking row

And what a privilege it is...

We are never spared the privilege of having our identity placed in question. They say we're not a people, they equivocate us to our murderers and they condemn our every ideology and belief. 

We are never spared the privilege of accusation. They accuse us of controlling the worlds finances and media. Every country we've ever inhabited has raised blood libels, banishments and inspired rioting against us for being the cause of all the woes of this world. The accusations against us have even offended the gods themselves, we rejected and killed Jesus, we rejected and poisoned Mohammad.

We are never spared the privilege of murder, genocide or racial cleansing from the countries we have dwelt within. Death has followed us en mass from the far east to the east coast. 

And finally, we have never been spared the privilege of betrayal by one of our own. Find a person placing our identity in question, a heinous accusation or even a group dedicated to killing us and you will without fail find a Jewish collaborator in those midst. From the destruction of our temple to the holocaust to Anti Zionism and terrorism in Israel today there have been without fail  Jewish enablers justifying or even assisting in our tragedy. 

It seems an inherent trait of the Jewish psyche to destroy itself. It seems that there is a deeply ingrained desire to delegitimize and destabilize the nation as a whole. It seems that many Jews among us indulge in executing the privileges of the Jews far too often.

Jenny Peto is of course a Jew who takes no small amount of pride in exercising her Jewish 'privilege'. 

In my view there is one real Jewish privilege, and that is the Law of Return to the State of Israel--to save us from the other privileges bestowed upon us by the rest of the world, which I wish would be revoked for Ms. Peto. 


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Poll: 53% of Israeli Jews say Arabs should be encouraged to emigrate

From Haaretz:

More than half of Israeli Jews believe that the state has the right to encourage Arab citizens to emigrate, according to a poll released Tuesday by the Israel Democratic Institute. 

The study found that 53 percent of Jewish citizens would prefer to see Arabs leave Israel. While 55 percent said Jewish cities should receive more government resources than Arab communities.

Read on...

Complexity in Israel


I have begun learning Joseph Tainter's perspective and it is good.

I now ponder the myriad of ways in which this theory can be applied to Israel.

How taxed is our society by the multitude of expensive (financial and physical) and complex problem solving arrangements we have in play?

I hope to elaborate.

Monday, November 29, 2010


Hear O' Israel,

Five years ago I saw my faith in Zionism beaten to a pulp by the disengagement from Gaza. I have spent all of these years recovering. My anger is nothing compared to those whose lives were disrupted by that chaos, at the hands of a glutton who never got to see his comeuppance, along with the sniveling worm Ehud Olmert whose freedom mocks us still. 

I have seen all of Israel. The people. The ideologies. The distorted psyche's. I have seen all of it and found nothing more than 3rd worlders--glorified and the unglorified alike.

From top to bottom this country is weak. It is dominated by the hoodlum oligarchs of business, politics, academia and religion. They are no better than cheap 3rd world pit bosses dictating the thoughts and agendas of the millions of fools they have engineered into its populace. As far as politics goes, everything we see before us today has happened before, and it will all happen again. Meanwhile, our enemies eye us with the lusty gaze of the scavenger over a soon to be meal.

What will we do to prevent the collapse? 

This is my focus. This is my question to you.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Frank Tweets!


Please join me on twitter.

Frankly I don't (and never really did) have the time to dedicate to this blog that I would like to.

I'm hoping twitter will give me more flexibility in terms of conveying my thoughts.

I will attempt to keep things going here to some degree, but will definitely have to perform  a massive overhaul before I feel comfortable jumping back in. 

Your suggestions are welcome.

--The Frankness.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Avraham Stern, the movie?

Wow they better not fuck this up.

- The Frankness

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Russian (or, the ignoble)

How gracious be he, the Russian.

The vision of altruism and honor.

Nary a one of them would eat his own children.

No, the Russian is a noble creature. No white Arab is he.

So many are the lofty moral and progressive teachings that have emerged from that warmhearted place that one can not easily number them.

Ah, those men and women of that greatest of cultures!

Let us celebrate their character!

Those great men of justice!

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Harrasing stinking Hilonim

A new Frank pastime is to stereotype Hilonim and act prejudicialy to their faces.

When I find a likely hiloni either randomly or in formal circumstances eating I'll ask them "what is that, pork?", and then move right into "are you one of those people that hates Zionism and wants to give our country to the Arabs?". I try and throw in "you think what's happening to the the Arabs here is worse than the holocaust, right?". A good old "you would marry a non Jew right? A German goy?".

These comments get alot o them really going. I usually just try to do this to people who i know have some anti-religious bias.

When they ask why I am insulting them with these questions I simply say: "oh, but I don't see you wearing a kippa, you must be a Hiloni, and don't all Hilonim believe...".

You see everyday in israel religious people have to deal with the same nonsense from the non religious. Questions like "are you one of those religious people who believe..." fill in the blank. Or any number of endless cavalier references to a kippa or kosher dietary prefernces.

I think the religious should start fighting back with the same stupid bullshit.

Short sleeves in the winter

I really hate it when someone feels the need to comment on my wearing short sleeves on the israeli winter. It's so stupid.

"what do you think, that it's summer"?

As if 5-7 inches of more sleeve will make the difference between life and death in this "arctic tundra".

I was at Shul once and this guy says to me:

"Ah, your wearing short sleeves are you? Do you wear long sleeves in the summer?"

I said:

"I didn't realize you found my clothing preferences so compelling as to comment on them. I didn't realize you were gay."

I would never take the time to make such a comment. Never. I could care less.

- The Frankness