Wednesday, September 27, 2006
The Masterpiece of Blasphemy...?
Heres the DL:
History is written by the victors and any of their victims that survive. Thats everything in short.
The Rabbis of the Talmud were an educated elitist group that chose a passive form of adaptation which turned Judaism's focus in the direction they saw most practicle. They refashioned Judaism in their on image. This is no small deal. it is a heavy matter that should give us pause at the get go. After all, consider how complicated it is for landless teachers to disect and reorganize a tradition that was forged by Kings.
They disrespected life affirming militartism which is clear by their treatment of Hanukka, Masada, and Bar Kochba--ignoring every opportunity to extract any practical meaning from those events.
They called themselves greater than GD's own Prophets while claiming that even the least of their rabbinic comrades had the power to bring the dead back to life--thereby downplaying the seemingly obvious superiority of GD's own chosen Prophets while appropriating their greatest powers. This is an effort at downplaying the actual messages of the prophets in order to substitute them with their own--if the Prophets were taken too seriously then the people would not heed rabbinic authority...this type of thinking has extended until our times in which various Jewish sects consider their paltry leaders on the level of David or greater.
They spoke in depth of their own piety in various instances, including bragging about their own scholarship...all while letting poor Hillel freeze on a roof until he had nearly died because the poor could not afford to pay to attend their holy study hall .
These small examples of how the talmud acts as chronicle of rabbinic arrogance does not attempt to denounce the myriad of benefit we recieve from its priceless value to our heritage. However, we must not decieve ourselves about where they went wrong regardless of their intent.
I am not saying to burn the talmud or that rabbis are bad, just be smart about how and what you learn from them and be quick to recognize how many of the previously mentioned negative traits have wormed their way into our present day rabbinical class.
The Frank Jacuzzi...
The Frank Jacuzzi mailing list has really been taking off.
We have got few hundred of you on the list since I announced it way back.
Great place for me to spew the gospel...
If you want in, send me an email and i'll hook you up.
Youll get to hear all the news about the web site and the book.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
How to defeat our enemies and make friends at the same time!!!
I’ve got it!!!
If you thought that Olmert was doing a great job, I am going to one up everyone!!!
What we need is to really develop a quality living arrangement that can suit our progressive liberal mores and provide for the dignity for our much honored and respected neighbors the Palestinians.
However, we need to change our analytical paradigm and our method of managing this little Middle Eastern crisis of ours. We need to move beyond the traditional concepts of sovereignty, security, and continuity.
I want to recommend that we all start wearing specially designed patches--that I myself have created-- that will be able to clearly separate the Jews from the gentiles in this part of the world forever. Thus we will be able to give the Arabs and Russian goyim the whole damn country while being able to keep a Jewish presence in Israel--which will appeal to the historic and cultural sensitivities of our Slavic and Arab brothers.
An example:
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Dont Crap Where You Eat: How to Achieve Personal Success in Israel and Redeem its People...
Very refreshing indeed.
Got to see alot that was completely new to me, got to hear alot too.
First thing back i read this:
Then I read this:
Chew on that a little. It should make you think.
Aliyah has nothing to do with Israel. It has to do with romantic personal interpretations and nostalgia. Nothing wrong with that though I guess.
Aliyah is made to a mystical Homeland. Israel is a country where at any time in almost any neighborhood in the country someone can be found to be relieving themselves on the sidewalk, and then when they are finished go vote for people like shimon peres, amir peretz and ehud olmert. Talk about crapping where you eat...
Some people ask why so many Olim make yerida. its precisely for that reason. They make Aliyah to a special wonderland then only to discover that its a place where everyone craps where they eat.
Virtually every Israel craps where he eats. He drives dangerously, litters constantly, disregards the pride of his enemies, and votes for people who do the same but do it better and get paid for it and respected because of it.
Israelis crap where they eat so terror is ignorable. Israelis crap where they eat so they have no conception of a meaningful self respect. Israeli crap where they eat so Shalhevet Pas can be murdered, Gilad Shalit can be kidnapped, and Gush Katif can be razed and not motivate political change in the direction I am partial to, like it all never happaned.
So if you are a dati leumi type, a kahanist, a meretz voter, a union member, or just a undefinable collection of sectoral confusions, remember that there is only one lesson you will ever need to learn in order to make this country better for one and all: DONT CRAP WHERE YOU EAT!!!
Show a little self respect, have some standards, cultivate expectations and vote for people who do the same.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Existential funk...
This is Gd...

An incredible vastness that we can hardly contemplate, separate from us completely, yet unavoidably dominating our minds...and just waiting, at a distance incomprehensible to our minds, for you and I to find him.
And this is us...

Tiny little creatures with nothing more than puny little machines of our own limited creation to discover the universe, Gd, and the purpose of our little existance with.
Friday, January 20, 2006
Hebron Invasion

We are a sick people.
Our judgment is despicable and our integrity is lacking in every category.
Surely, we have now succumbed to Herzl's vision of the Zionist dream with “Jews being arrested, beaten, and expelled from their own lands by Jewish Police and armed forces.”
The realization of a dream. How beautiful.
Sisters and Brothers, we don’t have the ability to keep ourselves healthy. Thus, there is nothing more important now than for the arabs and other gentiles to show us the pathway to self-respect and self-redemption. We need the gentiles more than ever.
See, with our states reconstitution we often fool ourselves into thinking that we have been cured. We have often thought ourselves redeemed because we now have a country like everyone else. Well, with our state we are no closer to redemption of any kind. In fact our state blinds us to the deterioration of our people. GD damn Jewish leaders who have given up the struggle for our freedom, who sell us further into mental slavery through religion or Zionism or peace.
Our men have failed us and now there is only our great nemesis left to help us, the Gentile.
I want to beg the gentiles of the world not to give up on hating Jews. We need your hate to be more virulent and unrelenting than it has ever been before. No more partially revealed hatred, let it flow in every country, neighborhood and street where Jews are to be found. Do not stop hating us lest we kill ourselves.
Your hate will be like the new Moses for us, a guide, a teacher, and beacon of light which will motivate Jews for generations.
Your hate will be our salvation.
A nuclear Iran could be our greatest hope, our old Persian enemies making a comeback…like the bible reborn.
Let us be reborn too.
Thursday, January 05, 2006
PM suffers significant stroke...
Whatever else happens from this point on you can count on:
1. Sharon is finished and even if he survives will be unfit for office based on health reasons.
2. His political carreer is over.
3. Ehud Olmert is not PM material so Kadima will run out of steam soon enough, unless Olmert can perform another 1967 type military miracle...
Back to Likud VS Labor?
GD Knows.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Mail Call............
Lots of mail, too much to go though, but here is one that caught my eye:
--btw, the spelling mistakes are not my own, i cut and paste the mail. I personally make lots of spelling mistake but am not gona get blamed for anyone elses for dang sure golly gee whiz.
Dear Frank,
I am a comitted kahanist, what do you have to say about that, huh??
I dare you to be "Frank" about that topic, mister Frank one!!
Well for starters Leah, I dont care where you put your political money. but in ths case i think that the term Kahanist must be seriously defined and qualified. Which Kahane faction group are you talking about?
If it is of the Haivri an Lenny Goldberg strand then I think you're cool and ok. otherwise my jury is still out on the rest who have yet to prove themselves reasonable or worthwhile.
Thats that.
Dont forget to vote Hazit.
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- Torah Umadda Journal Entry: The Last Word in Jewish Theology? Maimonidies' Thirteen Principles, By Marc B. Shapiro
- Tradition: The Journal of Orthodox Jewish
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